Let's go for something rare in this blog, a link to an article.
As almost everything on the Intercept, it's a long read. It's also very educational. For some years now, I've completely lost my trust on the left-leaning "mainstream" media. And I've never trusted the right-leaning media, to begin with; and this hasn't changed just because some of them are now "alt-right". So far, the Intercept has managed to be different, and it's the only news outlet I approach with a moderate degree of trust.
And, yes, one of their staff boycotting Bill Maher because of Milo did lower my perception of them. If you can't take your fight to the idiot, it's not the idiot that looks bad, it's you.
Speaking of Milo, remember the riots at Berkeley against "hate speech"? Well, the University of California, San Diego, announced a visit from the Dalai Lama. Cue the group of triggered Chinese students (the Chinese Students and Scholars Association) using the exact same good-sounding-but-empty arguments used by progressive fascists in the last few years to silence everyone they don't want to hear:
Currently, the various actions undertaken by the university have contravened the spirit of respect, tolerance, equality, and earnestness — the ethos upon which the university is built.
Eh eh eh... we, the oppressors of the Tibetan people have the right to not be offended, so you should cancel the visit of the Dalai-Lama. I can't wait to see how this will roll out. I've said it often, and I'll keep repeating it: The stupid attitudes of the Left on campuses (both students and staff) are going to give them some unpleasant surprises. Unfortunately, those surprises will probably not be good for society at large, but, then again, neither was the stupidity that started said attitudes.
Amway, back to the Intercept article...
The "lady" in question has been alternating between the SEC and a cozy corporate defense team job. She was appointed by presidents Carter, Clinton, and Obama. I can give Carter the benefit of ignorance. Clinton should've known better - you may call him an optimist; I call him stupid. As for Obama... Stupid beyond belief, specially considering he was supposed to clean the mess that had been accumulating since Reagan/Thatcher and culminated in the "market correction" of 07/08. Every time she was appointed to the SEC, this "lady" has done her best to delay any rule that could be detrimental to her so-called "ex-clients" - namely, mega-corporations and banks, and their wealthy investors.
Mind you, this is not a defense of Republicans. It's just to remind all those "beautiful people" who spend their time saying "Democrats are good" because "identity politics" that none of these clowns (Democrats and Republicans) actually does anything to address inequality. In fact "identity politics" is nothing more than an artificially-created division to make sure the plebes are fighting each other and not paying attention to people like the "lady" in the article above.
I can only wish she would run for president, to see "progressive women" saying "Vote with your vagina, it's time for a woman in the White House". Or maybe Ann Coulter, or Sarah Palin. Hey, as long as it's a woman, right...?
Perhaps in France, women should also vote with their vaginas. It's about time to smash the patriarchy with a "Madame Le President". I'm sure we'll see an inter-sectional sisterhood wearing Le Bonnet de la Chatte, appealing to the vote in Le Pen.
So, while it's only fair to be outraged at what Prez Duck is rolling back with so little effort, maybe "progressive/liberal activists" and the "mainstream you-can-trust-us media" should do a little homework to understand why he needs so little effort. You can go read the Intercept article, it'll teach you how this "research" thingy is supposed to work.
I don't care how many Pussy Hats you have knitted, how many posters of Hillary and Obama you have in your house, or how many Trump supporters you have assaulted in the name of "solidarity". Your heroes are no different from your villains - and when it comes to fighting inequality, this is only more so.
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