Last year we had the Oscars-So-White thingy. This year, cue the diversity nominations. Denzel Washington said in a recent interview "We're not here because of #OscarsSoWhite". As in "We were nominated based on our merit". Well... that's the problem with quotas, isn't it? No one can actually tell why you're there. Also, "merit"? The Oscars are one of the most politicized awards in the world, I doubt anyone has ever won based on merit. So, no worries, Denz, old chap, you're there for the same reason everyone else is.
Still, I could understand last year's drama - the whiteness of the nominees was a bit beyond the pale.
This year's Grammy drama, though, is different. It's election night all over again. Apparently, there was a winner already picked by Those-Who-Are-Right-!-!-! And what happens when that winner doesn't... well... win? Damn, I guess there's rigs in dem dar system, and y'all are supposed to feel guilty 'bout it, especially if y'all happen to have one o' dem "white skin" contraptions.
Or, as someone so kindly put it, if you're part of "White Mediocrity".
And no, this is not racist, because there can't be racism against white people, because white people have all that yummy white privilege, dontcha know? Well, except, maybe, for white gays. And white transgenders. Perhaps also white women, but many voted for Trump, so they may be in risk of getting kicked out of the "protected species" list. And, besides, non-white gays/transgender/women/etc suffer a lot more, because they don't have any of that nice white privilege.
So, we went from last year's "We MUST be nominated" to this year's "We MUST be allowed to win".
As far as Adele and Beyonce are concerned, I couldn't care less about either, so my reaction was guaranteed to be a yuge "meh", whatever the result.
As for the more whiney-ragey visible reactions... well, just the normal for fascist America - angry mobs trying to shame and shut down anyone who doesn't stand 100% behind the "party line".
I leave as an exercise for the reader finding out whether I mean the fascists on the left or the fascists on the right.
Hint: There's more than one correct answer.
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