Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A What-If about Milo's enablers

If you read the progressive/liberal media, you'll hear all about "Milo's enablers", those evil people who gave him platforms from which he could spew his bile.

As I've written in these last few days, I believe those who protested and denied him a platform did more to enable Milo and share a larger part of the responsibility for his recent superstar status.

You don't think so? Join me in a little What-If scenario.

What if the statements that brought him down weren't uttered in the video that was rediscovered a couple of days ago? What if Milo didn't go down that rabbit hole at that time?

What if he was going to bring up those statements at Berkeley? What if the protests were not violent enough to cancel his talk, he went on his platform at Berkeley and suddenly started reminiscing about Good Ole Greece and the wonders of old mentors helping young boys figuring out who they are?

If this had happened, Milo would have fallen a week earlier. I'd say that having to put up with his bullsh*t one week less would have been a fine result.

But... What if the protests had gone down as they have, and Milo didn't get a chance to speak? That means he would've never said those words, he would've never come crashing down. Today, he would still be riding his wave of super-stardom. Because the progressives/liberals had silenced him.

Every protest that worked, every time he was denied a platform, every time he was prevented from speaking was a lost opportunity to have him saying something that would've brought him down earlier. I wasn't sure of this until I saw him on Bill Maher, and realized how pathetic his argumentation was.

Not only that, but the progressives/liberals enabled Milo by adopting the fascist tactics of shouting down any speech that they found offensive. They created the opportunity, and the opportunist took it. In other words, they created him, and then they enabled him as hard as they were able.

Of course, if you read the progressive/liberal media, you'll hear a very different story - of courageous resistance and righteous outrage. And, ultimately, of utter cluelessness. You'll read articles by people denouncing everyone's responsibility, all the while blissfully oblivious of their own.

At the end of the day, we were very lucky. Thanks to progressives/liberals, Milo's words might have never seen the light of day.

And, no, progressives/liberals won't learn anything from this. They'll still believe the best way to address people like Milo is to shut them down with mobs. They'll continue down this fascist path, while complaining about the rise of fascism and wondering where the hell is it coming from.

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