In order to understand today's title, you must go read yesterday's title.
And, yes, four posts in four days. I don't know, am I triggered, or something...?
So, waddabout good ole Milo on Bill Maher, hey?
The inital talk went smoothly. Milo successfully played a sort of trollish charm that showed him in a good light. Every once in a while he'd say something sensible (like how progressives/liberals get all fired up triggered about useless stupid issues). Still, it was pretty much empty of actual ideas, and Bill didn't confront him on some of the more flagrant bullshit he spouted.
Then, on overtime, came the confrontation.
It's my opinion that Milo failed completely. Larry Wilmore showed what needs to be done with people like Milo - just let them speak. Then, confront them with facts. If you do this long enough, they'll run out of bullshit arguments (just like Milo did) and resort to childish tantrums: "Oooh, Bill, your guests are sooooo stupid". And without a supportive, adoring crowd, those tantrums can be seen for what they are - the last desperate resort of an ignorant idiot that has been cornered and has nothing else to say.
The only negative point were the "Go fuck yourself"s. Those played right into Milo's hand, and took the conversation back to where he shines. The way to finish, after the "stupid, low IQ guests" would have been something like "So, you have no arguments to contradict my facts, correct?"
After all the hype about this guy, I expected more. It was almost embarrassing reading all the tweets and articles saying this "dangerous troll" deserved no "platform" at all, let alone a "national platform". As usual, not only do these so-called progressives/liberals show the fascism they embrace these days, but they also display a remarkable degree of foot-shooting stupidity.
You see, before watching him on Bill Maher, I was tentatively buying into some of the hype about Milo. Maybe he was that much of a charismatic character, capable of sparring his way out of a debate and, thus, incensing the snowflakes to the point of melting. Now... now, after I watched him, I see the hype is completely overblown, and that the Left is doing most of the (alt-)Right's job to create the Milo Myth.
Every time you protest him, every time you keep him from speaking, you do him a favor. He gets to keep his mouth shut about his "ideas" (thus, you can't challenge the bullshit he says, like Larry did) and gets to appropriate a credible cause - freedom of speech. So, as far as stupidity goes, you, dear progressive/liberal, are remarkable.
Oh, and Bill...? Christopher Hitchens...? Really...? I mean, I never knew the man personally, but I'm having some very effing serious difficulty in picturing this "young Christopher Hitchens" you mentioned as someone as ignorant and as easy to beat in a debate as Milo. Are you telling me the young Chris was the total opposite of the older Chris?
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