Holy blindside, Batman...
All together, now...
Who could've predicted that?
As usual, I don't even know where to begin...
Not only did the "Western Elected Accountants" display a complete and utter incompetence at the simple task of predicting the outcome of a power void in the Arab Spring nations. But even now, with the benefit of hindsight, we are presented with gems such as this:
“The committee will want to consider whether Gaddafi’s prophetic warning of the rise of extremist militant groups following the collapse of the regime was wrongly ignored because of Gaddafi’s otherwise delusional take on international affairs. The evidence that the committee has taken so far in this inquiry suggests that western policymakers were rather less perceptive than Gaddafi about the risks of intervention for both the Libyan people and the western interests.”
At least, they don't say "western leaders". This statement is already delusional enough without adding mythical creatures to the mix, all the while labeling as "delusional" the one who, strangely enough, correctly guessed the outcome of the "Democracy-spreading Fest" that was the Arab Spring.
And the reason why our Elected Accountants were "rather less perceptive"? I'd say it's because they're superior, obviously. Because we're the Civilized West, and everyone else must bow to our superiority.
Reading this text, seeing Blair's position, the way he uses the support of "the US and the EU" as a mantle of superiority... is priceless. And, as is often the case when I look at out Elected Accountants And Other Elites, it brings to mind the Dunning–Kruger effect. These terribly incompetent people show time and again that they live in a state of illusory superiority.
The only reason for their success is cronyism. There, and there alone, lies their competence.
And this just shows, again, how wrong the whole "Mother Merkel Personality of the Year" affair is. This entire refugee crisis was provoked by the West, in what is a contender for the greatest display of incompetence in History. It's a tragic sign of how far we have fallen that we can even consider to give accolades for this. Angela Merkel's role (and not only hers, but that of every other western elected accountant) was similar to that of the Spanish old lady that "restored" the "Ecce Homo" painting - they completely botched this affair beyond recognition in 2011, and are now playing the moral superiority card because... refugees.
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