1. Mother Merkel is disappointed with the European response to the migrant crisis. She also believes the refugees will return home, after the war is over.
Where to begin...?
- The "European response to the migrant crisis" is the same "European response" to pretty much everything in these last few years - Me, me, me, me, what's in it for me, who cares about you? In fact, Merkel and Wheely Boy Schauble are the main responsible parties for this mindset in the first place. They enjoyed it when it suited them. As can be seen with Portugal now, they still push it unabashedly (more on this below). I fail to see where's the cause for disappointment. As the saying goes, you reap what you sow.
- Return home? To go through the hardship of rebuilding a destroyed shell, in a land that will remain dangerous and that can become outright deadly again with a flick of the switch? When they just have to stay put and enjoy a much less dangerous life? Tough decision, hey? I don't know, I could be wrong, but this seems like a very long shot. I'd say we just have to wait and see, but... just see the next bullet.
- "After the was is over"? Are you serious? Do you really expect this to ever be over? Those with power have been killing each other for more power for as long as I can remember, all the while using the Shoe and the Gourd as a pretext to stirr up the mindless mobs. Where does the "over" step in?
Of course, when the most powerful individual in Europe is allowed to say "after the war is over" and the result isn't collective laughter from the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea, it just goes to show that we're no less mindless. I'd like to hear Mother Merkel mention some details of this brilliant plan to get the war from "raging" to "over" before she gets to the point of telling me all about the "happy ending".
2. Portugal is on the brink of destruction. "Says who", you ask?
- Rating agencies, with their remarkable competence-backed predictions.
- The European Comission/Eurogroup/IMF, the minds behind the remarkable austerity programs and all the remarkable recoveries these engendered.
- The remarkable geniuses who ruled Portugal for the last 4 years, and whose Budgets have been as criticized as the current budget, by all the above-mentioned parties, with a remarkable difference - the sky wasn't ready to fall then.
We can forget the rating agencies, these are unsupervised entities whose past record of sucess clearly shows it's not competence that guarantees their continued survival.
Our ex-Dear Leader and his cohorts are equally dismissable here, as we would not expect any sort of honest behavior from them. That is something they have in common with our current Dear Leader and his cohorts, obviously.
As for the IMF... heh, I've talked about their "remarkability", already. They haven't stopped being a dogma-spouting organization, so no news here.
Now, as for our European Overlords, here lies the interesting part of this story. Remember when they presented a united front against Greece, last year? The issue was not the money, just like the issue with Portugal now is not the money.
The issue is always the same - There can be no alternative. This is especially true now, with Spain hanging on the balance. Greece served as an example to Portugal, and Portugal will be used as an added example to Spain.
It's Berlin's way, or the highway (paid with European subsidies, I expect).
I've been choosing the latter with my vote (minus the subsidies), and will continue to do so. Who knows? Maybe someday we will win.