Reality works in funny ways, sometimes.
Yesterday, I talked about London's Sadiq Khan and his plan to charge the owners of old cars, those wealthy bastards, for the privilege of driving in London.
"How very Labour", I thought, "with its Punching Up And Speaking Truth To Power(TM)".
Today, Reality presents me with another glimpse of what London's Labour stands for, who it defends.
Truth be told, I don't know with full certainty what is the London's Mayor role in this issue; the article just mentions "the zombie Blairites running the north London borough". However, according to this, he does have something to say on Housing.
Still, it's all Labour, even if it may be different factions. And if "squeeze money out of people who own old cars because they probably can't afford a new one" seems a bit Weird Labour, "give a yuuuge real-estate gift to some private friends at the expense of those who currently live in said real-estate" defies classification.
Or maybe not. Like I said, while the Labours of the world are going on and on with their Holy Grail of Identity Politics, inequality continues to rise, affecting Everyone. And since the goal of Identity Politics is not to address Everyone's issues, those not on the "Protected List" are left on their own, usually turning to the first, say, orange-haired idiot that comes along.
So, in London, we have a bunch of politicians from "mainstream" parties. You know, the parties that are "sensible" and neither "radical" nor "extreme".
And we have a private interest that needs to make money.
And because the people in charge of the private interest don't like hard work and don't actually have talent to make money, they get "a little help from their friends", the above-mentioned politicians.
And, to quote another song, "it makes me wonder" - why on Earth do people commit "stupidest things"? It's a tough one, innit?
Yes, I did read the "stupidest thing" article. The Billionaire Guy describes the UK (and the US, by Brexit-Trump association) as "a country that was doing so well" and warns "that some workers at the financial media company that bears his name were asking to leave the UK and US because they think the two countries no longer like immigrants and are no longer welcoming".
See? The country is doing great, but now these vulnerable financial media employees want to leave. Mind you, not leave Bloomberg, but get a transfer to another country.
Just like Everyone Else can do in a country that is doing "so well", right? I suppose if I live in the UK, my house is drafty and leaky, and it's having a negative effect on my health, and I can't afford to repair it, I can just... you know, get a transfer. Life's good!
Yeah, it makes me wonder... where, oh, where do those extremist votes come from...? Well, maybe it's the Russians.