On my last post, I wrote this:
I'm curious to see how will Germany twist the arm... er... sorry, I meant... secure the cooperation... yes, that's it... how will Germany secure the cooperation of its former anti-Greece allies.
Eh eh eh... Merkel & Wheelie are never a dynamic duo to disappoint.
During this year's Greek Hanging... er, I mean, Crisis, Merkel & Wheelie went on and on about how no help could be provided for Greece without further reforms (reforms such as "Hand over your airports, please"), and they mentioned ad nauseam how it would be unfair to ask countries like Hungary or Bulgaria to fork over the required millions.
Of course, said countries were more than happy to oblige and, much like our Portuguese Dear Leader, parrot Germany's line, namely "What's in it for me?".
Apparently, the honeymoon may now be over, as Germany seems poised to turn on its former parrots, going as far as considering withdrawing funds from those who refuse this fantastic idea of mandatory refugee quotas.
Indeed, I find the wording absolutely brilliant:
Austria’s chancellor, Werner Faymann, has suggested that if no consensus was reached in Brussels, Germany and its allies could try to force through a vote on quotas with a qualified majority.
He said Austria and Germany – both net contributors to the EU budget – would consider sanctions against countries refusing to share the refugee burden. This might include axing some EU structural funds from which “east European states profit most of all”.
So, we have "Germany and its allies"; this seems to suggest there are enemies. Oh, sorry, that's not really PC. I meant "adversaries". And the sanctions would hurt "east European states (...) most of all", i.e., the above-mentioned parrots.
That's solidarity for you. Not surprising, naturally, after witnessing the same brand of "solidarity" handed over to us. I'm sure our hard-working Eastern Europe buddies will enjoy it as much as we did.
Turning the sarcasm down just a bit (hah, who am I kidding?), we could call this "A Series of Extremely Stupid Events". I've already stated my opinion of the EU's behaviour during the Arab Spring. The US has its share of blame, naturally. Not only on the Arab Spring, but especially on Iraq, on how it completely mishandled the balance of power between the different factions, and how it botched beyond imagination the exit plan (which I'd guess must have consisted of nothing other than the word "Leave").
And now we see Germany - again - repeating the same lesson to Europe - Each man for himself. From "Send you refugees here, we can take millions of them", we moved on to "Other countries must take their share of this burden", and now to "Other countries will take their share of this burden, and like it".
And this is the Extremely Stupid (TM) part (aka, "Normal EU Behaviour") - they can, indeed, manage to twist the arms of Hungary, Poland, etc. to accept the quotas. But if they expect that these refugees will have a good life in those countries, then they are even more stupid than I previously believed.
I'll wait and see, but I expect the large majority of refugees placed in the hands of our Eastern European friends will end up in Germany, anyway.
It never ceases to amaze, watching our Elected Accountants in action.
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