Congratulations not just to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet, by all accounts a deserving recipient of the Prize.
Congratulations also to the Nobel Committee. After the jokes that were the awards to Obama and the EU, it's refreshing to see the Prize going to someone who is actually... what's the word...? Ah, yes... worthy.
Early in the morning on Oct. 9, I was listening to the news, and someone was interviewed saying Mother Merkel was a serious contender. And I braced myself for another Nobel Peace Joke.
Fortunately, I was pleasantly surprised. A rare event, it's true. And one I would expect to experience more often, given that I'm a natural pessimist - if you always expect the worst, you should get plenty of good surprises.
Unfortunately, as pessimistic as I may be, the World always finds a way to make me look like Mary Poppins.
But not this time.